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Category: Te Wahi Ora Events

Women`s Surfing Weekends

Posted in Te Wahi Ora Events

WHEN: 15-17 March (postponed) and 6-8 December 2024

Learn to surf, build ocean confidence and have fun! A day surfing programme designed to help women of all ages and skill levels learn to surf, improve their surfing skills and build more confidence in the ocean.

Small group bookings only, all equipment provided (beginner friendly surfboards, wetsuits and your meals).

Natural Therapy Weekend 2023

Posted in Te Wahi Ora Events

28-30 July and 29 Sept – 1 Oct, 2023

Are you one of those friends who are so often asked to be the listener? These two workshops are for you!

“Problems are not always something to be fixed,
but more a vital message to be listened too.”

The power of listening with a healing heart – be introduced too, and experience, the ‘multiple levels of listening’ that can enable others to hear their own deep wisdom during their healing journey.

Painting Weekend

Posted in Te Wahi Ora Events

Painitng Weekend with Paz
14-16 October 2022

The purpose of this weekend is connect with your creative side and explore new path inside of you, that perhaps felt foreign to you. You will be able to create that path within!

Healing / Inspiration / Intuition / Creativity
You`ll be taken on a guided journey for 2 days and 1 night of “meditation” to be in the silent presence, discovering new places in Piha to inspire you to paint, connect with yourself and likeminded women.