This is a quick ‘HOW TO…’ page with all the condensed practical information you need to make a donation to the Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust
Whereby 400 wonderful women to donate $10 a month to Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust to help us cover our running costs so we can continue to help create a safe place for women to rest, rejuvenate, reflect, and reconnect with themselves.
If you are able to donate $10 a month all you need to do is set up a AP via your online banking using the Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust account details below.

Account name: Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust
Branch: WestCity Henderson
Account Number: 12-3232-0135899-00
Reference: 400×10
There are two advantages to setting up your donation as a simple AP. Firstly there is no third-party entity invoicing you or charging us a 5% service fee. Secondly, because you set the payment up, you can easily stop the payment from your end at any time should your circumstances change.
Once you have set up your AP please email us your contact details. Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat is a registered charity so we can send you a donation tax credit receipt at the end of the financial year. We would love to hear why you decided to donate as it warms our hearts and encourages us in our work.
Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust:
Alternatively you can set up a 400×10 monthly payment via our GIVE A LITTLE page. Select the monthly payment option.
Our GIVE A LITTLE page can also be used to make a one-off donation. Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat is a registered charity so GIVE A LITTLE will automatically send you a donation tax credit receipt at the end of the financial year.
We would love to hear why you decided to donate as it warms our hearts and encourages us in our work.
Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust:
A One-off Donation
To make a ONE-OFF DONATION please use the account details below
Account name: Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust
Branch: WestCity Henderson
Account Number: 12-3232-0135899-00
Reference: TWO DON
Once you have made your donation please email us your contact details. Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat is a registered charity so we can send you a donation tax credit receipt at the end of the financial year. We would love to hear why you decided to donate as it warms our hearts and encourages us in our work.
Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust:
You can also make a one-off donation via our GIVE A LITTLE page.
The Wynsome Fund

The Wynsome Fund is a fund primarily set aside so we can offer subsidised and partly funded stays to women in difficult financial circumstances so they can get the respite they desperately need. We usually refer those interested in leaving a bequest to The Wynsome Fund. You can make a one off donation or set up a regular payment via AP.
Account name: Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust
Branch: WestCity Henderson
Account Number: 12-3232-0135899-00
Reference: WYNSOME
Once you have made your donation please email us your contact details. Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat is a registered charity so we can send you a donation tax credit receipt at the end of the financial year. We would love to hear why you decided to help as it warms our hearts and encourages us in our work.
Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust:
For more detailed information about The Wynsome Fund >>CLICK HERE<<
For more information about leaving a BEQUEST to Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust >>CLICK HERE<<
An easy way to PAY IT FORWARD is to buy a Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat Gift Voucher.
The gift of a ‘rest’ or ‘a break’ can be restorative. It offers time to contemplate what is happening now and imagine new possibilities. Give one of our gift vouchers to a woman you know or pay it forward – we will gift your voucher to one of the many women that approach us for help. Your donation can be named or anonymous.