You’re invited to join us in a weekend acknowledging our roots!
WHEN: 25-27 August 2023 and/or 13-15 October 2023
Historians talk of the archetypal five faces of the Feminine:
The Priestess,
The Healer,
The Dream Weaver,
The Keeper of the Hearth,
The Feminine Warrior

It’s been 5-8000 years since we were called these, yet before the Patriarchal/Dominator world system, these titles would have been normal!
And I guarantee that either you or your friends can see ‘remnants’ of these Feminine traits in you! And what would we like our daughters to know about their ‘ancestry’? Their roots?
Do we have clues of what the original, organic qualities of being female might have been right from the beginning of time? What difference will it make to live from our ROOTS rather than from the dictates of the culture that surrounds us!
The archetypal five faces of the Feminine are archetypes of European origin. Throughout different periods of history, within other beliefs, and cultures, there have been many ways to represent the feminine power and spiritual energy. We welcome you bringing and sharing knowledge and stories from your cultural background.
We have been born into a time where we have inherited a notion of women that has been colonised by a dominate cultural view of femaleness that can be restrictive and not serve us well. The intention of this workshop is that we work together to uncover and connect to a sense of this divine feminine that YOU can relate to. To reconnect together with these archetypal figures, concepts and stories in a way that empowers and offers balance.
During this weekend we will work with the wild, beautiful, natural environment of Piha which will help us reconnect with our ancient beginnings as women.

Let’s use the Piha beach, caves, sunsets and bush walks to begin exploring, recognizing and honouring these five faces of our Feminine Selves so that our beauty and effectiveness can be like the Lotus Flower which has a huge beautiful blossom irrespective of the condition or depth of the water because its nourishment comes from its deep rootedness!
The weekend will have lots of time for rest and roaming the wilds of Piha.
After Friday’s dinner and before Saturday’s lunch, dinner and Sunday’s lunch we will meet to share our insights and experiences.
We will return home with an increased awareness of our inner and outer beauty, our connectedness to life and the divine feminine, and our effectiveness within our families, our work and our planet!
Experienced counsellor and facilitator Bev Holt, co-founder of Te Wahi Ora, will be leading this with two able assistants.

Our roots go way back! Who were we?
As a starting point for connection and discussion please bring along several items that represent the YOU that you identify with and the multiplicity of your heritage. A taonga, a food, jewellery or clothing, a flag, or photos… items that hold meaning for you and somehow portray the important facets of who you are.
Just our standard accommodation prices per night.
No extra cost for the focused weekend retreat. All meals provided.
Day Participants:
Day Participants are very welcome to join the weekend workshop. You would be required to commit to attending all sessions and meals. Mealtimes are an important time for informally sharing and connecting with one another.
We begin 6pm with dinner on the Friday and Session one.
Saturday there will be two sessions, plus lunch and dinner.
Sunday has an 11 am session plus lunch and a closing session.
Women depart Te Wahi Ora Womeb’s Retreat around 3 pm
Cost: $100 – this cost covers workshop participation and all four meals. Payment to be paid a minimum of week in advance of start date as catering is being arranged.
Please let us know your special dietary needs when making your booking:
SPECIAL DIET SURCHARGE of $15 per 24 period applies to gluten /dairy free / vegan meals. This surcharge covers breakfast, lunch, dinner and some snacks. This surcharge does not apply to vegetarian meals. Please check in with us regarding any other dietary requirements/allergies. We endeavour to cater for all and simple changes may not incur this surcharge.
Day Participants: The surcharge is $10 for Day Participants of this focused weekend retreat.
IMPORTANT: Please add the name of the weekend workshop you are booking for in the comments section of the booking form. Also please remember to let us know if you have any dietary requirements in the space provided on the form as catering preparations are done in advance for these events.
Take Root and Grow, by illustrator SAM NAGEL Earth Mother Title: Feminine Divine/Celestial Empress, by ANNELIE SOLIS
Annelie Solis,
Sam Nagel,