Our Patrons are women who WE have watched become AWESOME women in spite of – or because of – their family and personal circumstances. And who, over the years, have shown themselves to have the same vision as Te Wahi Ora – to courageously and steadfastly take the journey towards wholeness.
Our Patrons offer something immensely valuable. The inspiration and encouragement of ‘they that have gone before us’ – those that have struggled with their circumstance, the exterior messages that can surround them from their family of origin or community or wider society that impact on their inner belief in themselves… and yet they hold on, take courage, find support, persevere against their adversity to find self belief and seek wholeness. The choice of our two Patrons aligns with our belief that supporting women to value themselves, their rights and needs will help strengthen their families and wider communities.
Woman are often the linchpin within their family and community, supporting a network of people on multiple levels. Our mission is to strengthen communities by supporting women to take time to rest and claim her right to maintain good mental health by taking regular opportunities to pause, reflect and decide how best to continue.
Patron: Anita Karauria
Anita Karauria experienced a legacy of poverty, rage against authorities, years of domestic violence and intergenerational trauma. Now, connecting with both her whakapapa and inner strength, Anita is emerging as a wise, compassionate wahine. She is sharing her ‘awesomeness’ with her sons, whanau and wider community. Anita is an inspiration to us. Many met her delightful 5 year old son Manaaki on Awesome Sunday. During Manaaki’s first 4 years Anita worked miracles in our garden, as well as the kitchen for the Te Wahi Ora guests. Anita now lives and works in Napier. Anita, we look forward to your insights as Patron during your visits with us at Piha.
Thank you for bringing the call Tihei Mauri Ora into our lives – it sounds over Te Wahi Ora every full moon.
Patron: Angela Walter
Angela Walter, landed into motherhood shocked, despairing and in disbelief. The accusations about her failure as a mum! The lack of understanding by family and society! By the time her second child was born, the medical scene had learned of the diagnosis of autism.
21 years later, Angela has helped change the Governments’ response and support to such families. On-going support is now more readily available. But what mothers have learned is that it is possible to insist on what is needed for their children; that there are now groups that will empower and up-skill parents needing help. Angela was one of the pioneers in that lonely, difficult yet successful journey for her family and other families of children on the autism spectrum.