…you too can make a real difference.
All it takes is a few hours of your time each week or month to help make a difference.
Piha people may consider popping in for a an hour or half a day, others may like to come in school holidays, once a month or even seasonal.
Below is a list of some of the things people are currently volunteering time to do to support Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat:
- Planting the flowers, vegetables, seedlings and remove the weeds.
- To be Keepers of the Cabins: prepare them for a guest once a week – once a month.
- Deep-clean a Cabin or paint one inside or out.
- Willingness to bury Bokashi in our gardens, our compost system.
- Others who come monthly to take buckets of newly made ‘earth’ for topping up the gardens.
- Mowing and weedeating the lawns.
- Night shifts at Te Wahi Ora to cover Bev`s leave or give her a day off.
KITCHEN - Stewing Fruit.
- Making our famous granola for the breakfasts.
- Making a dessert or a cake.
CRAFTS & SEWING TALENT - Knitting that can be donated to families in need.
- Stitching up curtains & pillow slips
ADMINISTRATION - Substitute for bookings admin (remote option possible!)
- Write one grant application each month (support and guidance provided!)
OR perhaps there are Piha Women needing employment – - You can be a casual worker at living wage rate or train further for a manager`s wage.
Volunteering gives you the chance to:
* Make new friends in our community
* Put your skills and talents to good use
* Learn new skills and gain experience in a new area
* Receive training
* Meaningful connection to Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust and the women we help
* Work in a natural environment
* Have fun helping others!
“Alistair and I have been volunteering for almost a year with Te Wahi Ora, Alistair doing maintenance (roof replacements, tree trimming, deck and garage door repairs etc) and me helping Bev in her vegetable and flower gardens. We look forward to our Fridays together, working away, side by side, with Bev and Dace and their team, and sharing lunch overlooking the beach – a wonderful time together. We can see the benefits that our work is bringing this place of quiet rest and respite, love and healing, creativity and inspiration. For us, it is also a time of rich blessing and delight, and contentment with jobs well done. We wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

If you are interested in joining or would like to hear more about our Volunteer Programme, please contact us on tewahiorapiha@gmail.com
We are deeply grateful for commitment of our volunteers, donors and supporters. All these wonderful people and staff enable Te Wahi Ora to support women through their personal healing journey. Without this level of dedication and generosity, we could not do the work we do.
With gratitude in our hearts,
Dace, Bev and the Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust