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We warmly invite you to join our 400×10 fundraising project

Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat doesn’t survive on our accommodation bookings alone and as we work to transition Te Wahi Ora’s unique and transformative roles from Bev to others offering their own unique gifts, we need more financial help. This present need for additional staff to fill roles previously occupied by Bev will noticeably increase our operating costs.

As a Charitable Trust, we rely heavily on donations

Your donations have kept Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat open during some of the toughest times we have faced since we became a Charitable Trust 10 years ago

What we are aiming for:
We are seeking 400 awesome women to donate $10 per month to assist Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust to be able to keep supporting women though our unique retreat based service. 

If you can be part of the 400x$10 fundraising project please consider starting a monthly donation via automatic payment

Why we think supporting women is so important:
Woman like you are the linchpin within their family and community, supporting a network of people on multiple levels. To do so we multi-task and need good emotional and social intelligence plus social awareness. Subsequently we commonly do most of the cognitive and emotional labour within relationships. Mostly we are the carers. This under-recognised, often invisible workload can result in severe burnout.

How this relates to Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust:
 Our mission is to strengthen communities by supporting women to take time to rest and claim her right to maintain good mental health by taking regular opportunities to pause, reflect and decide how best to continue. Our retreat offers a safe space for women who need respite, support and rest.

How we use your donations:
The 400×10 donations allow us to help keep our prices down so our unique service is available to more women.

  • Enable us to provide the nurturing homemade meals our quests appreciate and pay our hardworking staff.
  • Enable us to offer supplemented pricing to women without financial resources who may otherwise find having a break impossible.
  • Help keep our commitment to women sustainable.
  • Allow Bev to step out of her many roles with the confidence that Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat will continue serving it’s purpose. 

Donation information for setting up an automatic payment:
Account name: Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust
Account number: 12-3232-0135899-00 
Reference: 400×10

Once you have set up your AP please email us your contact details. Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat is a registered charity so we can send you a donation tax credit receipt at the end of the financial year. EMAIL:

We have mentioned $10, however any regular contribution that is right for you will collectively make a huge difference to women who deeply need support and have no financial alternatives.

Please pass this information on to anyone you know who could be interested in helping support Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust

The great news is we are already over a quarter of the way there! 

A huge heart felt acknowledgement to those who have already supported our 400×10 appeal. 

Your donations have kept Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat open during some of the toughest times we have faced since we became a Charitable Trust 10 years ago


We would love to hear from you: 
It warms our hearts and encourages us in our work to hear why you decided to help.
Please send us an email

“I’m joining the 400 x 10. I love what you do and the idea behind it. I haven’t been able to come myself yet – this would have been an awesome place in my darkest days raising my autistic boy but I didn’t know about it then. I found you guys on Auckland Whanau Special Needs Group. Other mums have recommended it.”

Natasha, 2022

Dear Bev,
During my special days at Te Wahi Ora I read a statement that resonated deep within my heart.

“Many trauma survivors hold their breath and their bodies tightly, bracing themselves for whatever is coming next. Staying alert for years takes its toll. Create spaces where you can take your armour off…..”
I cannot thank you enough for creating this space for me, space to breathe, relax and feel the weight of my armour slip away. I will never forget my experience here. ‘Lifesaving’.

I am now very proud and honoured to be a member of the Te Wahi Ora 400 x $10!

PS, 2020

“I’m not quite sure how I stumbled across your website, but the service you provide is something I think is very valuable.

I remember years ago being a single mum with two lovely children –  I loved them so much but fantasised about going to a hotel for a weekend and getting room service, watching what I wanted on TV or just reading or knitting with no little people needing me!  I couldn’t afford to do it then and also felt a bit guilty about my thoughts of escape… I now have two lovely young men of whom I’m very proud.  I survived without my weekend away but think that this would be something of huge value to mothers generally.  We need to support mums to grow the next generations!

Please send me details of how to join the 400 x 10 project.”

Kay, 2019

“I am very grateful to be able to show my appreciation for everything Te Wahi Ora has done for me and the opportunity my stay there offered me. All the walks and talks have picked me up and set me on a way that is kind of overflowing to friends and family. Carol and I are in touch and her friendship is a legacy of Piha times!”

Lois, Sept 2016

“It’s fantastic to see all the progress and great news happening at Te Wahi Ora. I’m glad you finally gave people the opportunity to support something so worthwhile. I’ve just donated a year’s worth ($120) for your 400×10 campaign. I’m trying to get a group of us back there sometime soon. Good luck and keep doing the amazing work you do!”

Lisa, Aug 2016

Hello Bev,
What a wonderful idea to ensure this amazing place can continue to provide support for women. Just set up an automatic payment for 10th of the month.

I used to bring a team from the HELP Foundation for a few years while I was working there and have visited with a couple of my friends since. It has always been a place of serenity, reflection and healing and I am happy in this small way to help support the wonderful work.

Kate, August 2015