The next ‘Wairua Wāhine Tapu’ weekend retreats are scheduled for:
May 2-22, 2022August 26 – 28, 2022 (FULLY BOOKED)October 28-30, 2022 (FULLY BOOKED)
Piha is a place of sacred healing and has been for generations. Brought within this dynamic landscape women are invited to connect with nature as direct way to reconnect with her own supernatural existence, through whakapapa – we are all of earth and sky.

Wairua Wahine Tapu weekend retreats are facilitated by artist Tracey Tawhiao.
“I am an artist working and living in Piha. And I am facilitating a series of weekend retreats at Te Wahi Ora Women’s Retreat, focused on the sacred spirit of women. I have experienced that there’s an Art to everything from giving birth to cooking for our family; from choosing partners to being ourselves. It’s all Art. Remembering this while surrounded by nature draws out our own supernature.
“This retreat is a creation, like making a painting. We are building this retreat together. I believe we are gathering as a ropu and together reconnecting to our trust and faith in our own creative power to heal.”

“I will bring us together in relationship to our own supernature in Piha. Sunset meditation (Whakaaroaro Te Ra), Earth ceremony (Huihui Te Papatuanuku) Star and Moon Fire (Huihuinga ahi marama whetu), Meditation walk (Hikoi whakaaroaro),Vision circle (Tuhinga o mua) and conscious earth (Papatuanuku mōhio). Learning to plant our future with vision (Te whakato purapura), using the tools gathered from within for our wellbeing experience.
A primary experience of this retreat is to learn and understand our deepest needs.
What we want to let go of?
What we want for our own life?
What we want for our whanau?
We, collectively as seekers and dreamers, will enter further into our own inner world! Where all our potential is waiting to be realised.
I will provide you with a set of my own tools for self healing, self inspiration and self imagining of life. Tools I have used at different times in my own life that might also serve you in times of need.”
Outline of your Wairua Wahine Tapu Weekend retreat:
Friday night:
Introductions, time to relax at dinner around the fire. Tracey will share her vision for the weekend and will be listening deeply to our hopes and needs for the weekend so that together, we will make it happen
Saturday/ Sunday:
This is the day we experience the sacred places within us, in the sacred place of our natural world. Papatuanuku is our kaitiaki and our primordial mother. This day is dedicated to her, our connection to her and to each other as women, as mothers and as creators of our own lives.
You leave Piha after lunch on Sunday, approx. 2.30 pm, initiated in our own true supernature.
Note: Please come with warm clothing for the outdoors. Nothing strenuous is going to happen but some of the tools require us to be outside over the weekend. Also bring a blanket and water bottle for drinking our delicious Piha rain water. Please bring your phone with data for outdoor guided meditation, (headphones if possible) and warm clothing – even rain coats!
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